Essay, Research Paper: Macbeth Murder Reason

Shakespeare: Macbeth

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Macbeth being murdered by Macduff represents the finale of Macbeth. The murder
itself marks the end of a long struggle for power between the good (Malcolm,
Macduff), and the evil (Macbeth). Many events hinted to the reason for Macduff
murdering Macbeth. The murder of Macbeth was an inevitable act that was bound to
happen. One of these events was prophecy of the three sister witches. Throughout
the whole novel, everything that they had prophesized, had become reality. When
they stated that no man born of a woman would kill Macbeth, they knew that that
excluded Macduff, because he was born by C- section. It was only fitting that
Macduff kill Macbeth because he was the only one who was not born of a woman.
Also, this had to happen because the witches had supernatural powers that made
it possible. The Weird sister let Macbeth choose his path. In other words, it
was fate that made this possible. Another reason for Macduff murdering Macbeth
was that Macbeth had ordered the killing of Macduff’s family. This reason was,
in my opinion, the most important one. Upon hearing that his family had been
killed, Macduff become very emotional. Also, his anger towards Macbeth grew once
he found out that it was Macbeth was the one who ordered the killing. The
killing of his family caused Macduff to risk his life to get his revenge against
Macbeth. Additional reasons for Macduff killing Macbeth was that he had to prove
his allegiance towards Malcolm and that he had to prove that apparitions
correct. Macduff knew that Malcolm was the rightful heir to the throne and he
was willing to help Malcolm get it back. Macduff is a good and moral man and he
has to do the honest thing. As for the apparitions, they had always been correct
and they had said that Macbeth should beware of Macduff. These apparitions
foretold the future and Macbeth made the mistake of not fully understanding what
they were saying. All these reasons put together, give the answer to the
question, ”Why does Macduff kill Macbeth?” There is no true explanation as
to why this happened, but each event explained gives a good reason as to why he
did it. Together they form a good argument to justify Macduff’s murdering of
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